Considering alternative health and treatment options often comes with a variety of questions. Below we try to answer as many of these for you as we can.
You can find more information about Naturopathic Medicine by clicking the following links.
- Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC)
- Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME)
- North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE)
- British Columbia Naturopathic Association (BCNA)
- Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND)
- College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia (CNPBC)
- Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM)
- Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (BINM)
- Bastyr University
- National University of Naturopathic Medicine (NUNM)
No. Most homeopathic education programs require just high school education and perhaps some college. Naturopathic doctors have fully completed post-secondary education degrees and are general practitioners of Natural Medicine who may use homeopathy as an element in their vast repository of treatment protocols. Additionally, NDs have many more treatment modalities available to them at their disposal. NDs draw from a wide repertoire of skills including providing a comprehensive clinical diagnosis using instruments and physical examination thereby creating a detailed patient history along with their expertise in trying to uncover any potential hidden conditions in order to try and help develop a treatment strategy for the patient.
A fundamental tenet of Naturopathic Medicine is life-long learning. NDs strive to constantly augment their knowledge and skills throughout their career.
Yes. As indicated by the BC Ministry of Health, Naturopathic medicine has been designated as a health profession since 1936. As of January 1, 2000, Naturopathic medicine has become a designated health profession under the Health Professions Act. The College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia regulates this profession.
Naturopathic physicians require a minimum total of 7 years (more commonly 8 years) of post-secondary education. This includes a completed or mostly complete undergraduate degree at an accredited institution with the last remaining four at an accredited naturopathic medical college for the ND degree. As of this writing, in North America, there are only seven colleges that meet the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME) standards for qualifying ND degrees. Licensure in British Columbia (BC) requires a minimum of four years of full-time Naturopathic study along with substantial clinical clerkship. In BC, all board-certified naturopathic physicians are required to pass clinical board exams set out by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE).
Yes. NDs are able to do both. Our clinic is fully equipped to take samples for a significant number of tests including, but not limited to: food allergies, sensitivities, metals, physical functions, toxins etc.
Many extended health plans, including some university and college plans, may provide coverage for Naturopathic treatment. MSP may cover treatment for those who are enrolled in the Premium Assistance Program. Please see your insurance provider for details.
No, referrals are not necessary. Please phone the office or use our Contact form to arrange for an appointment.
Here are some examples, but they represent a small fraction of the concerns an ND can help to address. Most chronic conditions such as weight management, dermatological issues, women’s health, cardiac health, inflammation issues such as arthritis, digestive problems, fatigue, and conditions related to poor diet; headaches and pain etc. General medical concerns such as colds, flus and stomach issues etc. General mental and emotional issues. And optimal health strategies to address some of the above issues.
NDs address the fundamental causes of many of your health concerns. By using the latest Naturopathic techniques an ND strives to find the underlying cause of the problem and not just the symptoms themselves. The goal is to attempt to achieve optimal health for the patient. Naturopathic Doctors can be referred to as general practitioners of Naturopathic Medicine. In other words, NDs treat patients that have acute or chronic health concerns or both.
Expect to spend more time with your naturopathic physician than you do with almost any other physician.
The first visit is a 45 minute consultation which includes an in-depth patient interview. It is important to have a good understanding of your current health concern, your history, and your emotional well-being and lifestyle. We will review your medical history, your family history, and your lifestyle covering issues such as the sources of stress in your life, the foods, your sleep habits, etc.
In the second visit, a physical exam and/or laboratory tests will be performed in order to assist in formulating a diagnosis and assessment. Understanding the outcome of the interview and tests are especially important as it is from this information that can provide an appropriate treatment plan – one that suits your lifestyle.
Further follow-up visits involve the development and discussion of a comprehensive and individualized treatment plan including dietary counselling. Our Naturopathic Doctors work together with their patients to determine the best possible treatments available.